Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Media Contact
Lenee Richards
(213) 709-9334

Board of Supervisors Approve Motion Seeking Improved Voter Transparency and Consistency


LOS ANGELES, Calif. Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved Supervisors Mitchell and Barger’s motion to close a gap in providing transparent and consistent information to voters by directing the Auditor-Controller to include a fiscal impact statement for countywide ballot measures on the official sample ballot. The November 2024 general election will mark the first-time county sample ballots will consist of objective information on the estimated cost of countywide ballot measures. Currently, this information is only provided to voters by the state for statewide ballot measures.

“Transparency is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. LA County will now offer the same baseline information on countywide ballot measures that voters have consistently received for statewide measures before casting their vote,” said Supervisor Holly Mitchell. “The fiscal analysis also strengthens accountability for the implementation of measures, providing awareness on the expected investment we must be prepared to make for the changes voters have called for.”

“I’m pleased we will move forward with offering consistent, objective fiscal information on Countywide ballots so voters can make informed decisions,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “At its heart, this motion is about ensuring voters are equipped with the full picture of what they’re voting upon. The best way to battle the mistrust in government and to support an informed electorate is to offer objective information from neutral sources. Our Auditor Controller is that source for Countywide ballots.”

State Elections Code 9160 requires a financial analysis of statewide measures and allows Counties to direct their local Auditor-Controller to do the same analysis. In LA County, information on the fiscal impact of county ballots is left up to the opponents and proponents of ballot measures. The passage of this motion ensures an objective estimated fiscal impact on the county will be available to voters as well.

The motion requires the fiscal impact statement to be available in multiple languages in the sample ballot. It also takes steps to prepare for future elections by calling for relevant County departments to conduct analysis with insights from community stakeholders to improve the process of providing objective information to voters by adding a Yes/No vote summary.


