19 Dec Creating an Independent Process for Complaints Related to School Law Enforcement Services
Motion by Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell and Hilda L. Solis...
Motion by Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell and Hilda L. Solis...
At the beginning of this year, the Board of Supervisors passed a motion that Supervisor Barger and I co-authored, directing the allocation of an additional $40 million in funding (supplementing the original $5 million) to create a Countywide rent relief program to support our mom-and-pop...
I am proud to share that we recently launched the Employee Ownership LA County initiative. When a business shares the ownership of the company with their employees–they are investing in the shared success of their company, workforce, and the communities they serve....
Motion by Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell and Hilda L. Solis...
LOS ANGELES, Calif. —The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion in a 4-0 vote, authored by Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell and Kathryn Barger that builds on the success of professional mentors in preventing at-risk youth from entering Los Angeles County’s foster care...
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Chair Holly J. Mitchell shared the following video message in response to the hurtful and racist comments from Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de León, Gil Cedillo, and LA County Federation of Labor...
Motion by Supervisors Hilda L. Solis and Holly J. Mitchell ...
Motion by Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell and Hilda L. Solis...