Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Media Contact
Lenée Richards
(213) 709-9334
[email protected]

Board Approves Creation of Countywide Poverty Alleviation Policy Agenda and Guaranteed Income Pilot Program


LOS ANGELES, Calif.— Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion authored by Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell and co-authored by Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, to create a first of its kind countywide Poverty Alleviation Policy Agenda and Guaranteed Income Pilot Program. This pilot will provide at minimum of 1000 residents up to $1,000 a month for three years.


“Creating an equitable recovery from COVID-19 requires intentional investments in our most vulnerable communities to help end the symptoms of poverty, such as homelessness that have worsened due to the pandemic,” said Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell “This is about effectively providing economic security for our residents who need the support. I commend the Board for making poverty alleviation a priority.”


“Guaranteed basic income can have deeply profound and positive impacts for low income families, providing stability and the means to pay bills, pursue additional education, and take better care of their health,” said Supervisor Sheila Kuehl. “Combined with local city efforts, LA County will host, in the aggregate, one of the largest guaranteed basic income pilots in the country with at least 4,300 participants. That positions the County to be a national frontrunner in rebuilding a thriving economy for all.”


At the height of the pandemic, the U.S. economy lost 140,000 net jobs in December 2020 helping to build acceptance for guaranteed income programs across the nation. Former Stockton Mayor, Michael Tubbs, led the launch of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, which has gained momentum due to the COVID-19 driven recession. And in Los Angeles County, the Cities of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Compton have launched their own guaranteed income programs.


“I applaud Supervisors Mitchell and Kuehl for moving to establish a Countywide Poverty Alleviation Initiative and Guaranteed Income Program” shared former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs “In Stockton, we found that our guaranteed income program participants were twice as likely to find full-time work compared to non-participants. We know that guaranteed income will not replace work, but it will allow people the freedom to choose more stable jobs. It’s important to note that our program didn’t have any issues with fraud. Our participants represented diverse communities and backgrounds and shared a fundamental right to live with dignity and provide for their families – this is what all Californians deserve. I’m excited for LA County to join us in the fight to ensure that we eliminate poverty and provide an income floor for all.”


The motion declares Poverty Alleviation as a countywide Board priority and directs the Chief Executive Office in collaboration with key County departments to establish a Guaranteed Income Pilot Implementation Plan within 60 days and identify target populations, that may include Transitional Age Youth, women released from incarceration and survivors of domestic violence.


To read the full motion approved by the Board of Supervisors click here.
