Interweaving lecture, personal anecdotes, interviews, and shocking revelations, lawyer Jeffery Robinson draws a stark timeline of anti-Black racism in the United States, from slavery to the modern myth of a post-racial America.
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell partnered with Sony for the launch of the Second District Racial Justice Learning Exchange (RJLE) with a film screening on the documentary Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America. The documentary explores anti-Black racism in the United States.
The launch event included a powerful discussion with Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell and Shelby County Commissioner, Tami Sawyer who shared her work in racial justice and fighting to remove confederate statues in Memphis, Tennessee.Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America is currently streaming on Netflix.
Celebrating, Elevating, and Facilitating Racial Justice Leadership in the Second District
The Second District Racial Justice Learning Exchange (RJLE) is an initiative of the Office of Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell that brings district residents, County, civic and community leaders together to learn from and celebrate our diversity, confront biases and inspire meaningful steps to eliminate structural racism.